Starting A New Business
We have collected information for new business owners in Central Huron! You can also view our Resources and Support page and explore the “Business and Development” tab on the Municipality of Central Huron's website for more.
Advertising & Promotion
Here are several promotional opportunities offered by the Municipality of Central Huron and the Central Huron BIA.
Digital sign: new Central Huron businesses can get 3 months of free advertising on the digital sign located on Highway 8 near the main intersection in Clinton. Email records@centralhuron.com.
Social media: we want to promote local businesses and events! Tag Municipality of Central Huron and Central Huron BIA in your social media posts or email cicasst@centralhuron.com to be shared on our accounts.
Newsletter: if you are hosting an upcoming special event for residents, you can send information to records@centralhuron.com to be included in the weekly “What’s Happening in Central Huron” email newsletter.
Directory: to be included in our digital business directory, email your logo and website link to cicasst@centralhuron.com.
Gift Card: become included in the Central Huron gift card program by contacting Angela Smith at 519-476-5922. No cost to businesses!
Grants and Opportunities
Here are a few currently available or recurring programs that may be useful to you. For more, check out Resources and Support and our posts on The Pulse. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates as new opportunities become available.
Central Huron Facade Grant
This grant program includes façade improvements for all properties in Central Huron that are designated as commercial in the Central Huron Official Plan. The Municipality has set aside funds to assist property owners in the expansion or improvement of the building façade or signage. The purpose is to improve and enhance the 'cosmetic' appeal of the structure from a streetscape viewpoint.
Applications for 2023 closed in February. Visit the Central Huron website..
“Everyone is Welcome Here”
Huron County Pride is embarking on an “Everyone is Welcome Here” program, and they invite all business owners to take part. The program provides merchants with educational material about the LGBTQ2S+ community. By signing a document, you commit to sharing the information with your staff and providing, to the best of your ability, a welcoming environment for all persons, regardless of sexual orientation.
After returning the signed commitment and a fee of $ 15.00, each merchant will be provided with a decal for their business storefront. By proudly displaying the decal, you are declaring that LGBTQ2S+ travellers are welcome to spend their tourist dollars in your business and be treated the same as anyone else. Equally important is the message you would be sending to our local LGBTQ2S+ residents that they are welcome to live and thrive in the community we love.
If you wish to participate in the program, contact pridehuroncounty@gmail.com with your phone number and address. Read more below.
List Your Business on AccessNow
AccessNow is an app that allows people with disabilities to find information about businesses. People can use it like Google Maps and filter out businesses based on accessibility features. This means that if you register your business and list its accessibility features, people with disabilities are more likely to find and shop at your business. We encourage all business owners to claim your verified business listing and get on the map by visiting https://accessnow.com/verifiedinquiry/. You can learn more about AccessNow for Businesses here or watch a great video about the app here.