The Pulse
Central Huron BIA’s blog is the #1 place for all the latest updates about local events, opportunities, and business supports.

One Month Left: Apply for a Digital Transformation Grant!
Receive up to $2,500 to help meet your digital goals with the Digital Transformation Grant. Deadline: September 30, 2023.

Apply to Ontario’s Excellence in Agriculture Awards!
Apply or send to your favourite farmer to encourage them to get recognized for their work! The deadline is Sept. 14, 2023.

Get Free 360° Photos of Your Business on Aug 22!
Elevate your business with 360° photos! The Huron County Digital Service Squad (DSS) offers this free service to Clinton businesses on August 22.

Starter Company Plus Enrolment Opens Today
Starter Company Plus provides training, mentorship, and grant opportunities up to $5,000 for eligible participants to start, expand, or buy a small business. Enrollment for the next intake is from July 1 – 31, 2023.

Reach For Success Offering Funding for Youth Employees
If you’re a business seeking help and funding to hire youth this summer, please email Elizabeth from The Centre for Employment and Learning at

List Your Business on AccessNow
AccessNow is an app that people can use like Google Maps to filter businesses based on accessibility features. We encourage all business owners to claim their verified business listing and get on the map by visiting

Registration Closing Soon: Trailblazing Huron County Event
Registration for Huron County Economic Development’s powerhouse panel and networking event closes on Monday, May 29. The event will take place on Thursday, June 8, 2023.

Small Business Tales of Triumph Contest
Enter to win Canada Post's Small Business Tales of Triumph Contest! Share your small business story by May 12, 2023.

Hiring International Workers Workshop
Employers from across Huron County who are experiencing labour shortages are invited to learn about hiring international workers during an upcoming event on Thursday, May 25, 2023 from 12-3pm at The White Carnation in Holmesville.

Southwestern Ontario Development Fund: Apply Now!
The Southwestern Ontario Development Fund provides funding and complementary services to businesses. Applications are open until June 15th, 2023.